Why WebP is the Future of Image Optimization and How to Easily Convert Your Images

In today's fast-paced digital world, website speed and performance are more critical than ever. While most webmasters are familiar with techniques like code minification and lazy loading, image optimization often goes overlooked. Yet, images account for a significant portion of a website's load time. That's where WebP comes in—a powerful image format by Google that dramatically reduces file size without…

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Best E-Learning Platforms For Web Development In 2020

Best E-Learning Platforms For Web Development In 2020

E-learning is something that has completely transformed the way of education for students. Now you don’t need traditional chalk and board and go in a hurry in fear of missing your essential class. With time, many things have changed, so does chalk and board method of teaching. In 2020, a deadly virus named coronavirus has arrived. Dangerous viruses can spread…

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What Is Covid-19 (Coronavirus)

What Is Covid-19 (Coronavirus) & How To Survive This Epidemic!

The Novel COVID-19, known as coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan's China city last year, and since then, it has affected more than 100 countries. This deadly virus has caused more than 12,000 deaths to date. Researches so far have shown that this virus occurs from a natural process. And there are no signs that the virus was made in any…

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